QMM’s behavior out of the box is to abide by the Target Email (Recipient) Policies and stamp new Primary SMTP address while the existing one becomes secondary. There is however a way to change this logic. Good idea would be to also exclude recipient’s object from the policies because otherwise it will generate a new Primary SMTP. Here I wanted to share how to configure this in QMM.
NOTE: Remember that steps need to be configured on each server where DSA agent is installed and where this DSA agent handles Sync job with the requirement to preserve Primary SMTP.
To add the registry values, complete the following steps:
– Log on to the server where the DSA is installed.
– Run the Registry Editor and open the following registry key:
For 32-bit platforms:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Aelita\Migration Tools\CurrentVersion\Components\MBRedirector
For 64-bit platforms:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Aelita\Migration Tools\CurrentVersion\Components\MBRedirector
– Add 2 new String Values:
-Close the Registry Editor.